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  1. Sorry about the delay. I wasn’t able to finish today’s comic,
    so I decided to post what I have and finish it tomorrow.
    I had something come up early this morning, so since I had to
    go into town and renew the tags on my cars anyway, I decided to
    visit my lawyer, hit the bank, and go grocery shopping as well.
    It was fucking hot by the time I was finally done.
    Just sucked the life out of me.
    I got home around 1500, and decided to take a short nap in the
    AC before finishing the comic.
    I just woke up. I’m too used to living in AC, I guess.
    The thought of riding my motorcycle in this weather – black
    leather jacket – is out of the question. I’m not a t-shirt and
    shorts on two wheels kind of idiot.
    I’ll finish the comic in the morning. Sorry,
    but it’s back to bed for me.
    Groceries are still in the van, except for the cold and
    frozen stuff. At least I managed to get that stuff inside
    and properly stowed.
    The heat was bad enough, but that GROCERY BILL!
    Fuck Slo Joe and the Ho. Things were so much better under Trump.
    No wonder they stopped counting groceries and gasoline in the
    inflation index. I’m rambling. Back to bed.

    • I hear that, I’ve got to track down a shorted fence, repair
      both back steps and front ramp, and find time to mow the
      yard, my son is off work but he has a boat trailer to sand
      blast, so I can’t expect him to help. Some days I wish I never
      came out of retirement…

    • No sweat. I cannot handle heat. Haven’t been able to since
      April of 08. When you are active or get hot your pulse rate
      goes up to circulate your blood faster in part to help you
      get rid of heat. I have lived with a pacemaker since 08.
      If I get active the device has 3 axis accelerometers which
      are triggered if I’m up moving around. It doesn’t have any
      way to tell I’m overheating. If I overexert I get very sick
      to my stomach – as in calling for “Earl” at the porcelain
      throne. No fun!

      So don’t worry. We’ll keep.

      • I got jumped on by my kidney doc, dealing with escaped cows,
        repairs to the fence, and daily chores, I got so dehydrated that
        my kidney function dropped 12%…
        So no more hot sun for this guy. I don’t know who was more
        upset, my doc or my wife. I’ve always sweated heavily, I guess
        that’s a bad thing now.

  2. again useless info:
    the ‘dagger’ Mavia carries is called the
    Silver Shadow. there are 3 variants.
    prototype (7″), silver (12″), and
    dark shadow (all black)

    • President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

      Variation of the
      fighting knife?

      • That’s what it looks like to me. That or a good old fashioned
        Arkansas Toothpick. I’m no expert in knives but it looks like
        the way Mavia stabbed him – unless she severed his spinal
        cord – wouldn’t kill him quick. I would have thought it more
        immediately effective to jam the knife up into his skull
        through the neural foramen at the base of the skull.
        Wiggle it and pith him like a frog.

  3. I hate this time of year, all the fireworks going
    off reminds me too much of “back home.” Yes
    I know it’s not the 4th yet, but people like to
    play with the heavier stuff before it’s time. I
    feel for any vet that’s jumping at the booms too.

    • Yeah. My son hasn’t liked fireworks
      since he came home from Desert Storm.

      • The noise doesn’t bother me, other than like
        last year when I ran off 3 teen boys trying to
        light our hay bales of fire with bottle rockets.
        I just feel for the vets, after seeing that friend
        at work twitch so much from it. He was in ‘Nam.

  4. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

    Trixie seems to have a wicked
    nasty sense of humor

    • Stupid gets what stupid deserves. They thought they could
      successfully attack THAT party and NOT get killed?
      It’s the Empire you morons, they have fought far better
      fighters than you and still walked away.

  5. This reminds me of a line from an old (to me) song.
    “An ambushed ambush isn’t very nice.”
    If you’re interested in something SCAdian:
    And yes I can explain every line,
    but it’s best done in person over Tully.
    Rob, if you’d like turn that into a link
    for me and then delete this line.

    • Son of a gun. Happened automatically. never mind.

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