But Cats Can't Dance!But Cats Can't Dance!
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  1. A foreign-born world traveler has legally immigrated to America.
    He speaks about why, and what he sees:

    • Who? Yakov Smirnov?

      • Serpenza.

        • I love his videos. Serpentza clearly loves China but despises the
          ChiCom government and system. He doesn’t hold back on China’s
          ills. I strongly suggest you check out his videos on his YouTube
          channel https://youtube.com/@serpentza

          He has another channel which he does with another Westerner
          who lived in China which exposes the truth about China. Check
          it out at https://youtube.com/@ChinaFactChasers

    • That video speaks so much truth, I’d love to see the protestors
      that are here in the USA trying that crap in China or a few other
      countries. I grew up in one of the worst areas in the country, and
      I still feel this is the safest country to live in, hands down.

      • Michael

        I listened to a few immigrants or better expats who moved
        from USA to my country and feel much more safe here.

        • And what’s your point? Do you think America is a monolith? Wether or not
          Americans feel “safer” in Europe than in America depends entirely on where
          they came from and where they moved to.
          My wife and I lived in Germany, in a farmhouse outside of Fulda. We felt
          safe there. We felt safe in Berlin… We felt very safe when we visited East
          Berlin. But we sure as Hell didn’t feel safe in Frankfurt, or in Koln, or in
          parts of any other European city. Paris was a filthy shithole if you left the
          tourist areas.
          Same with Amsterdam, it was all shiny where the tourists went but step
          outside the zone and you went from wonderland to will-I-survive in an instant.
          Sure, America isn’t perfect, no place is. But I’ve traveled the world, and I’ve
          always chosen to return to America, because no place on earth is better.
          It may not be perfect, but there’s no where better.
          And all of the wealthy and famous who want to talk about how bad America
          is, how if X is elected, they’ll leave the country?
          They never do, because THEY’VE been around the world and know that
          there’s no better place to live.
          But they’ll never admit it.

          • President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

            Fulda….Fulda Gap……
            When were you there, what unit were
            you in, and what was your MOS?

            • I didn’t have much to do with the Fulda Gap people,
              I was assigned to a clinic in Bad Hersfeld.
              My MOS was 91 Bravo, Medic.
              We lived near the city of Fulda for two main reasons:
              My wife worked in a hospital there, and:
              Rent was cheap. It was owned by a German in America
              who wanted someone to prevent it from deteriorating.

              • You may very well have come across some of my friends. Virtually all of them were medics. I lucked out on my draft lottery number, and didn’t end up having to go.

      • Michael

        There is a youtube channel of a world traveler from Netherlands.
        It shows you a different world as you hear from the doom and
        gloom media.
        The name is “Itchy boots” an her name is Noraly.
        She bought an motorcycle in India and traveled alone through
        india to malaysia,
        then from Oman to the Emirates. Through Iran and all the *stans
        through Russia, Caucasus, Turkey, Europe.
        Then from Argentina to the canadian arctic sea. Then from
        Morocco down the african westcoast to Angola,
        passed through to Tanzania and had an accident lately and
        a broken clavicle.
        Took her about 7 years with updates app 2 times a week.

        edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3lLNVQJFPA

        • Michael

          Very helpful people everywhere.
          Motorcycle mechanics where you
          would not expect one.
          Interesting world.

          • This is true.
            I’ve always found good people wherever I’ve gone.
            I’ve also found evil. I’m not blind to either.
            There is no Utopia.

  2. Right there, that is the biggest problem, I hated history too,
    but if you don’t learn and understand it, you miss out of a
    huge amount of facts that would change everyone’s way of
    thinking. And cancel out the made-up truths for the real ones.

    You go girl! Nicely done Taritha! BIG difference from laying or
    kneeling in one spot shooting a target and avoiding BEING a
    target and hitting yours.

    • Dastardly Dan

      History, as taught in American Government schools,
      is designed to be boring.
      It’s the stories, plus the facts, that make it interesting.
      When we were homeschooling our kids, we had a timeline
      that took up a whole wall. When you see what was happening
      concurrently around the world, it will open your eyes.
      Good history podcasters, like Dan Carlin and Darrel Cooper
      are a great way to learn the stories whit the facts.

      • US schools, have not changed in over a 100 years.!
        why.? because in the early 1900’s, they needed
        ‘someplace’ to put the kids that were no longer
        allowed to work. AND what better place to train for
        factory work.? look at the schedule,, why a 3 month
        gap.? so kids could help on the farm during growing
        and harvest season.!
        key years, 1918, an 1938.

        • That is changing Rob, many cities are talking about doing away
          with the summer break, most others have shortened the summer
          break from 3 months to 2. For a while there there was talk of
          breaking up the summer break into 2 week vacations all year long.
          Either way it’s been decided the long summer was causing
          students to forget what they learned the previous year. I agree,
          the first month was spent recapping the last year when I was in.

  3. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

    What would one call what Taritha is doing?
    The Shootout Samba?
    The Target Tango?
    The Bleed Out Bee Bop?
    The Fancy Footwork Foxtrot?

    • Proving that she’s not a rifle shooter,
      but a close=range one.
      And she’s a hell of a mobile target!
      How about The Stick and Move?
      The Bang and Bounce?

  4. PC or Mr Stanley, I posted a comment which came back
    “awaiting moderation”.
    I suspect it is because I posted links to two channels
    on YouTube with Serpentza.
    Would you fix it for me?

  5. Michael

    I don’t think a Caliphate in Europe is a realistic situation in our times.
    Highest amount of Muslims are in UK and France, after that Deutschland.
    If you count Russia to Europe then they have the highest amount of muslims.
    According to polls, Deutschland has 3% muslims.
    According to official documents when children are registered by their
    parents it should be about 6%,
    but many people in Deutschland consider themselves as non religious –
    same with many who have muslim parents.

    • And what happens if you lose all of your electronics,
      as in the story?
      All of your financial records? All of your government,
      business, and personal records?
      All of your means of electronic communication?
      Most Muslims are far better prepared to live in a more
      primitive society, as most of them currently do.

    • Chryzopraz

      Some European countries like Poland and
      Romania are kingdoms in the Empire.
      So European Caliphate certainly doesn’t
      cover the whole Europe, just some parts.

    • I say that the USA makes me feel safe, and that I would NEVER
      risk traveling to another is the increasing rate of violent crime
      and kidnapping by extremests abroad to US citizens that are just
      taking a vacation. All because they think that every one of us are
      filthy rich and the pay-out would be high. All thanks to their media.

  6. Michael

    On the balkan there are some areas with high muslim
    amount going back to the ottoman empire.
    It would be possible to expect a caliphate there but
    they are surrounded by christians.
    In a post apocalyptic world you would expect farmers
    to survive and people in citys to die from starvation.
    Weapons are not common in the population but farmers
    are often hunters too.
    There are hardly any muslims in the European Union
    who do farming.
    On the balkan the situation is different.

  7. Costman is not supposed to be getting any special treatment.
    So just a coincidence those look like new benches at the range :}

    Taritha has been training! Nice progression from when the
    bodyguards told her to just pickup Theresa and run.

  8. Michael

    The last clashes on the balkan from splitting up
    Yugoslavia resulted in civil war and some massacres.
    The biggest one with muslim victims. Srebrenica –
    The big enemies were both christians, though.
    Croats and Serbs. Katholic and Orthodox.

    • Again, what is your point? That Islam is a peaceful religion, and it’s Christians
      that are the problem? Try espousing Christianity in any area which is controlled
      by Muslims. Or try criticizing both Jesus and Muhammed anywhere in the world,
      and see who sends you death threats and tries to kill you.
      Or succeeds…
      I lived in Afghanistan, and I’ve seen first hand what Muslims are eager to do to
      other Muslims when there’s no one nearby strong enough to stop them.

      • For that matter, make a comic strip starring God and Jesus,
        and Allah and Mohammed. See which one gets you cancelled.
        (Let me recommend “The Adventures of God.” Yes, quite the
        comic strip.)

        • I really don’t want to get dragged into a theology conversation,
          but I will say this, in my youth I considered becoming a pastor,
          and it caused me to be come very confused and when I asked
          questions I was LOUDLY shushed. Studying every different
          religions and their “bibles”, I noticed they were basically the
          same, only names and places were changed, makes you
          wonder, huh?
          Plus the King James bible was loosely translated from the
          Hebrew bible, only edited by the translators to fit
          their ideas, not what was written.

          • President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

            That’s one of our tenets,
            “we believe the Bible to be the word of God,

            • I realized it when there are so many inconstancy in the KJ bible,
              but not as much in the re-translated latter versions, plus the KJ
              seems to be written in a way that allows to quote sections of
              the various books to make a point, only to find others that say
              something completely different. Also keep in mind most of the
              books were written by people that would call anything they
              didn’t understand as being “Magic” or “an act of God”, or that
              men’s sperm was the thing that produced the child, not the
              women’s eggs.
              I could go on but you get the idea.

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