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Discussion (22) ¬

  1. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

    Ahhhh… we come back to the bribe……errrrr…….
    grift……I mean, “gift”. More waiting (sigh).

  2. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

    I am SO glad I was not infantry when I was in.
    I was a POG (Person Other then Grunt),
    subcategory 31E Field Radio Repair.
    Yes, we did some infantry training, but nothing
    like what the Drill is proclaiming in panel 7.

    • Ah, playing with the big guns, I like.
      I hate the idea of killing people souly
      because someone told me to, but
      to those deserving it…
      I have fired a 12 gauge more than a few,
      an AR .223, and my son’s M1 once.
      Took me a bit to get my shoulder joint
      back in place, that rifle has KICK! Worse
      than a 12 gauge…

  3. Loved the way the Catman snuck a cat into P6. He’s good at that.

    • Is that a cat? It has rings on its tail
      and a sharp nose.

      • Racoon, panels 6, 7, and 8.

        • Reminds me more of Rocket, most wild raccoons are fluffy,
          like if they tucked in their faces and tail they look like a
          fuzzy kick-ball, sorry to those who like them, they have
          been a major pain to the chickens and us.

        • Wth is it doing? Adding to the kill count?
          Scaring the crap out of a pilot? Or giving
          us a funny scene where someone jumps
          out of the craft with the ‘coon hanging
          onto them? HA!

        • Why would a coon be climbing
          around on a locust like that?

      • Oops. I was looking at it on a little 10″ tablet.
        It looked like a cat to me. Oh well.
        Ain’t the first time I’ve been wrong.
        Won’t be the last.

  4. JasonAW3

    You know, I’ve got a feeling that the “gift” is about to get destroyed.
    What would be both sad alone a twist of the knife, is, if the “gift”
    was a genuine gift with no ulterior motives. I know its a bit of a reach,
    but sometimes, people have been known to give a gift because they
    feel it fills a need, and won’t really profit from the gesture.

    For example; the Georgia Stones. Someone anonymously had them
    made, set up and donated to the public, as whoever did it, felt that
    they would be of value to future generations. So, of course, some
    moron goes and blows them up in the middle of the night if for no
    other reason than that they could.
    In short, sometimes people really DO, do things because they feel
    it’s the right thing to do.
    If it does get destroyed, and the reason for the gift was pure
    altruism, it would show that the Empire isn’t perfect and people
    DO make mistakes some times.
    (Of course, I do get why they would HAVE to get rid of it, as the
    appearance of an inappropriate gift, would damage the
    reputation of the Empire and Empress. Catch 22…)

    • I think you’re right, and tactically it’s useless for anything
      but a show piece. And what does the military do with an
      asset that’s lived out it’s purpose? BOOM! That frenchie
      might start crying without knowing why… ๐Ÿ˜›

  5. Well crap, I installed the new drive, hooked it up, started
    my computer, nothing…
    It didn’t see the drive at all!
    So I thought I’d take a break to calm down before cracking
    open the case again, never a good idea to touch expensive
    and delicate electronic devices while in a murderous rage….

    • Did you go into This PC/Manage/Disk management?
      You might need to partition it so your computer
      will see it.

    • Chryzopraz

      Is it SSD drive or a HDD? First check all the connections.
      If it’s HDD touch it while turning the power on and check
      if it starts spinning. You should feel the slight vibrations.
      Then get into the BIOS and check if the BIOS sees it.
      If no, you have problem with your hardware.
      If yes, it’s probably a matter of simply partitioning and
      formatting the drive, although Windows 10/11 should
      recognize the drive and offer you to format it right away…

      • It’s a SSD, so no noise or anything, SSD is totally
        new to me so I’m basically working in the dark here.
        I’m no spring chicken but my main talent was figuring
        things out, I was completely self-taught in both computer
        tech and coding, I’m sure I just got to get the wheels
        turning again… Don’t retire gang, the brain gets squishy
        and weak ๐Ÿ˜›

        • Don’t forget your other resource – WD Customer Service.
          Of course, your computer was built before most of them were born.
          I have a Bionix motherboard with both SATA and IDE connectors,
          it still works.
          It’s screwed to my wall for decoration.

  6. There was several power plugs, some might just
    be like an extension cord and I don’t have the
    other end plugged in or something like that. I did
    try the Acronis and it doesn’t see it either, so in
    the morning I’ll break open the case and go
    through the wires and see where I went wrong.
    I used to be the “computer guy” in my
    neighborhood 20 years ago…
    But that’s a very long time in the tech world, so
    learning curve?

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