What defense? Sounds like they have him dead to rights!
Wonder if the Empire will let him do his time in
Russian jail before executing him.
I cannot imagine he would be a candidate for the Legion.
It would serve him right if they did.
Imagine doing 20 years in a Russian prison then being executed.
Talk about a miserable 20 years!
But like the man said, he screwed himself!
He played a monumentally stupid game and now he
going to win a truly stupid prize!
A few years ago there was a news bit about some guy being
sentenced to what amounted to a couple of thousand years
behind bars as I recall. A buddy scoffed and said
“How will that work?”
I replied, “The way I see it, it’ll be like this.
A prison guard will look up at a shelf and see
a dusty urn on it and say”
“Sarge, what’s that thing for?”
“Well, kid, you remember learning about the people
that lived here before our ancestors moved in?”
“Well, the people before *THEM*…”
Interesting that Japan is providing the third judge.
And Texas and Waukanda both offered firing squads
for the last such execution. Empire, at least yet, but
both are clearly become fast allies, and it looks like
Japan and Russia, and likely Israel, are the same.
Makes me wonder what’s happening with the Wong
Empire. And I wonder if Wong or Nepal hold Tibet,
or if it’s independent.
Damn! TGW is sitting at #71! What gives?
I just use the browser’s search function to find it.
What’s up, PC? Are the readership metrics falling? I
don’t think I’ve ever seen TGW so far down the list!
look at the numbers, 12,000 in 8 days,.
that’s 1500 a day. (not even bothering to
call it rain. anymore)
also, “this” happened to another comic
without adds,. they made it to top ten,
even # 1, for months,, then poof in the
70’s ever since…
TWC is much like the MSM. They have lost all
credibility. All they are now from my point of
view is a single point of transfer to the 20 or
so comics that I read. Yes, I vote for them
twice a day, but TWC is so much garbage now
that I can’t waste the anger on them. It
doesn’t hurt them, and only raises my blood
pressure if I do.
It’s been a while, Bill,
but I remember being excited when TGW
made it up to page 4,
and then again when it made it to page 1,
and you’ve been here longer than me.
No, our readership is actually rising slightly.
Since I put a link in my Twitter bio, in fact.
TGW spent almost four years in the top 10 with
an average of around 200 votes a day.
Now, that won’t even get it into the top 50.
I think I pissed the owner off when I refused
to let him add TGW to his new hosting site.
But yeah, webcomic readership (all comics)
reached it’s peak during the COVID scam,
it’s been dropping ever since. There’s no
explaining TWC’s numbers except a heavy
finger on the scales.
I wonder how many of the new top 60 or
so are on the new hosting site?
Ok, ok, I give, he’s toast. He didn’t try to deny it or
spin a story about his innocence. Best he can possibly
hope for now is exile, and that’s a long shot!
So true, you’re never bored with a spitfire! Asking her
to bring Miral is a good idea, so he won’t come off as
a creep, and I expect Miral won’t mind playing Matchmaker.
Still on the tablet, takes forever to type on,
and Chrome keeps crashing on it mid-typing.
My sister dug up an old business laptop for me to use, Win7 i5 CPU.
It’s been factory reset, no antivirus or updates. I’ll get it going,
but It’s going to suck, I’ll have to recreate my links and such,
I have backups, But they’re months old.
And I doubt many of my games will run.
Ah, that answers some questions from the last episode.
He met her at a youth club.
Booze was not necessarily being served.
Ah yes. not always happy, but never bored.
So far, I’m not hearing Jeffrey put up any defense.
Something. Anything.
What defense? Sounds like they have him dead to rights!
Wonder if the Empire will let him do his time in
Russian jail before executing him.
I cannot imagine he would be a candidate for the Legion.
It would serve him right if they did.
Imagine doing 20 years in a Russian prison
then being executed.
Talk about a miserable 20 years!
But like the man said, he screwed himself!
He played a monumentally stupid game and now he
going to win a truly stupid prize!
A few years ago there was a news bit about some guy being
sentenced to what amounted to a couple of thousand years
behind bars as I recall. A buddy scoffed and said
“How will that work?”
I replied, “The way I see it, it’ll be like this.
A prison guard will look up at a shelf and see
a dusty urn on it and say”
“Sarge, what’s that thing for?”
“Well, kid, you remember learning about the people
that lived here before our ancestors moved in?”
“Well, the people before *THEM*…”
The legion doesn’t take rapists anyway,
they’d just hang him.
Ah, but sex with a willing partner wouldn’t have given
him what he someone you want to show is weaker than you.
It’s about dominance and entitlement.
I’m glad you said that.
Saved me the trouble.
Rape is assault.
Interesting that Japan is providing the third judge.
And Texas and Waukanda both offered firing squads
for the last such execution. Empire, at least yet, but
both are clearly become fast allies, and it looks like
Japan and Russia, and likely Israel, are the same.
Makes me wonder what’s happening with the Wong
Empire. And I wonder if Wong or Nepal hold Tibet,
or if it’s independent.
“Not part of the Empire, at least not yet…”
Damn! TGW is sitting at #71! What gives?
I just use the browser’s search function to find it.
What’s up, PC? Are the readership metrics falling? I
don’t think I’ve ever seen TGW so far down the list!
It’s blackmail, plain and simple.
look at the numbers, 12,000 in 8 days,.
that’s 1500 a day. (not even bothering to
call it rain. anymore)
also, “this” happened to another comic
without adds,. they made it to top ten,
even # 1, for months,, then poof in the
70’s ever since…
TWC is much like the MSM. They have lost all
credibility. All they are now from my point of
view is a single point of transfer to the 20 or
so comics that I read. Yes, I vote for them
twice a day, but TWC is so much garbage now
that I can’t waste the anger on them. It
doesn’t hurt them, and only raises my blood
pressure if I do.
It’s been a while, Bill,
but I remember being excited when TGW
made it up to page 4,
and then again when it made it to page 1,
and you’ve been here longer than me.
No, our readership is actually rising slightly.
Since I put a link in my Twitter bio, in fact.
TGW spent almost four years in the top 10 with
an average of around 200 votes a day.
Now, that won’t even get it into the top 50.
I think I pissed the owner off when I refused
to let him add TGW to his new hosting site.
But yeah, webcomic readership (all comics)
reached it’s peak during the COVID scam,
it’s been dropping ever since. There’s no
explaining TWC’s numbers except a heavy
finger on the scales.
I wonder how many of the new top 60 or
so are on the new hosting site?
Ok, ok, I give, he’s toast. He didn’t try to deny it or
spin a story about his innocence. Best he can possibly
hope for now is exile, and that’s a long shot!
So true, you’re never bored with a spitfire! Asking her
to bring Miral is a good idea, so he won’t come off as
a creep, and I expect Miral won’t mind playing Matchmaker.
Still on the tablet, takes forever to type on,
and Chrome keeps crashing on it mid-typing.
My sister dug up an old business laptop for me to use, Win7 i5 CPU.
It’s been factory reset, no antivirus or updates. I’ll get it going,
but It’s going to suck, I’ll have to recreate my links and such,
I have backups, But they’re months old.
And I doubt many of my games will run.